1870 to 1890

Wilson, JS. “Fruit as Food and Medicine” Orange County Observer, July 7, 1883. https://universityofnorthcarolinaatchapelhill.newspapers.com/image/67827540/



“Fruit as Food and Medicine,” Orange County Observer, July 1883 p.8. “Dr. J.S. Wilson shares the benefits of fruits, both in their deliciousness and healthiness, to convince the reader to use more natural forms of medication while enjoying a good source of food. Additionally, Wilson makes sure to refute common misconceptions about fruits from the time. Published in July, the article coincides with the beginning of fruit season and therefore could help not only consumers, but fruit suppliers as more people will buy their fruit if they believe they provide multiple health benefits for such a tasty food.”

“Liquid Standard Presented to UNC in 1883″, Courtesy of North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library, UNC Chapel Hill.

This liquid standard was presented to the university for the purpose of research and science, representing measurement standardization efforts in the time period of 1870 to 1890 [1]. Over a century and a half later, this object provides a unique window into the understanding of Chapel Hill at the time, as well as the contextualization of change in both earlier and later years.

“Look After Your Corn.” The Chapel Hill Ledger, July 19, 1879.” Farmers often times overestimate the amount of corn that they will attain after harvest, and by doing so do not consider the small mishaps that may occur during harvest. Things such as rats nibbling on the crops overtime can alter the amount of corn there is to serve.